Digital Health News

First Human Cell Atlas of the Pancreas on single-cell resolution

Written by Sample HubSpot User | Nov 27, 2020 11:47:46 AM

We are pleased to present our recent achievements in building the Human Cell Atlas of the Pancreas on single-cell resolution.

Due to its high autolytic activities, the pancreas is a very challenging organ to work with. We overcame this issue by using single-nuclei from frozen tissues instead of standard single-cell approaches and were able to investigate more than 120.000 cells. Analysis of the expression pattern in various single cells of the pancreas, we were able to identify yet unknown cell states. In addition, we applied in situ sequencing and obtained information on how the cells are organized spatially inside the organ. Taken together, the manuscript Single nucleus and in situ RNA sequencing reveals cell topographies in the human pancreas by Tosti et al. provides new insights into how the pancreas works in the healthy condition and it will open new avenues to better understand the aetiology of pancreatic diseases.


Please see also the BIH press release


Graphical Abstract: Tosti et al. (2020): Single nucleus and in situ RNA sequencing reveals cell topographies in the human pancreas. Gastroenterology